Below is a list of skills that get developed in your child as a result of attending daycare. The list is quite thorough and provides a great overview of what you can expect from you child’s experience at daycare. You can learn about our monthly themes here.
Building Blocks to Success in Kindergarten – Skills Developed at Daycare
- Kindergarten readiness is a combination of many different factors. A child who is
ready in all areas will be able to cope with the school environment. Here are some
developmental skills your child should demonstrate before kindergarten. - Personal and Social Development. Can express himself/herself verbally. Speak in
complete sentences. Can label or name things appropriately. - Has an interest in reading, listening to stories, letters, and numbers.
- Can retain information and focus on an activity.
- Demonstrate self-confidence and self-direction. Follows simple rules & routines.
Can cooperate. Can work individually & in a small group. - Manages transitions. (can your child separate from the primary caretaker easily)
- Attend to a task & seek help when encountering a problem.
Can finish what he/she starts. - Interact easily with one or more children and familiar adults.
- Seeks adult help when needed to resolve conflicts.
Asks for help when appropriate. - Can identify & care for own belongings. Respects rights & belongings of others.
Understands the idea of sharing and taking turns. - Can follow two or three step directions.
- Can listen to a story or participate in an activity and respond to questions
related to that activity. Can answer open ended questions. Can ask questions. - Can sit still for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Demonstrates phonetic awareness. (e.g.rhyming words)
- Can recognize, write and spell their name. Can identify 10 letters.
- Comprehends, responds, retell and predict outcomes to stories read aloud.
Represents ideas and stories through pictures. - Can count to 20 and understand simple number concepts.
- Can identify the numbers 1-10 and their quantity.
- Can recognize and duplicate simple patterns.
- Recognizes the shapes-triangle, circle, square and rectangle. Can name colors.
- Shows the understanding of positional words-inside, outside, before, after,
between, top, bottom, middle, above, below, under, beside, and behind. - Coordinates gross motor movements to perform simple tasks (e.g. throwing
and catching a ball, jumping, galloping, balance activities - Knows the correct way to hold a pencil crayon, and scissors and works with them
comfortably. Enjoys coloring and drawing. - Dresses self-can zip, snap & button.
- Performs self-help skills independently. Takes care of own toilet needs and
washes hands w/o assistance.